Tuesday, 26 June 2012


What defines a mistake? If you look up the definition on google you get this; An action or judgment that is misguided or wrong. But I dont find that quite accurate. I believe it it more like this; An action or thought that when proven to be wrong is a learning curve. I think everyone should learn from their mistakes and instead of looking back at them as the thing you did wrong, you should look back and think "yeah, I did that wrong but if I hadn't of I wouldn't be who I am today. Thats what all kids do when they are in the early stages of their lives, they eat dirt, don't like the taste then don't do it again. I think that children and babies are actually the smartest people out. They enjoy the simplicities of life and have all the friends of their class/daycare group. They don't care what others think too much and they aren't shy to state their mind. But us, in our old and intellegent, sofisticated and mature minds don't do this because it would be wrong. Too bad I guess for those hundreds and thousands of people out there who are just like you and do not want to speak their mind for fear of being a minority. They do not want to make the 'mistake' of putting their true sleves on the line to say what they feel and do whatever they want because, who knows? They may just loose their job because of it, become a accidental celebrity and have their 15 minutes of fame all for the wrong reasons, this cannot be any more true. I am guilty of this, I never say or do what I feel because, I guess, thats just not the done thing. If I were to know everything I said or did was annomus then I would go about living life to the fullest and filling out my bucketlist and not see anything as a mistake, ever. But, I lack courage. I have done such things in the past and ended up with a lot of mistakes and regrets and actions and sayings that I cannot undo, cannot re-live, cannot think about in more detail. I have learnt that this is not how society works and how us, as the 'generation of the future' are the underdogs who always have to make the rest of the world believe, trust and most importantly, acknowledge us for who we are. Winston Churchill once said:

'"No comment" is a splendid expression. I am using it again and again.'
 Well, do you know what Churchill? So is the rest of the world, we are constantly sitting on the fence and becoming the invisable to society people who, as soon as a foot is stepped wrong will have their backs stabbed and their friends turned into enemies. I was watching T.V. the other night when an advertisement for a comedians show came on. I was watching as he said:
'"Why do chickens alwyas walk as if they are walking in a minefield?"'
Then continued to engage in a rather funny looking but very true representation of a chickens walk. Perhaps we don't give chickens enough credit. For they are the ones who have realised that a small step could have their heads chopped off and their bodies served up for dinner.

                                                                                                                                      Maddy x


Today I write about the cold. It's not ging to be your average run-of-the-mill blog about the weather no! This is a rant about cold weather. Let me just begin, by telling you my story: For the past 4 years I haven't experienced a winter in Australia, as such, because I normally go north (toward the equator) during the normal winter/dry season/whenever cold weather is around (about May - October in the southern Hemisphere and October - May in the Northern hemisphere) and that gives me a lazy 27*C every day with nice sunny weather and long days at the beach and pools. The end. I have recently had to come back from the beautiful, sunny, warm, idylic weather that is Broome because of circumstances I care not to disclose. It's FREEZING!! Perhaps it is because my blood has thinned or something but still, there is no reason the earth should be this cold. Whilst I probably do need to get a bag of cement and 'toughen up princess' I am still doing my best to rug up and try -to no avail- stay warm and do excercise. Yesterday I had a thick scarf, a bamboo shirt (it is a soft and warm fabric made of Bamboo similar to a wooly silk but not quite the same), two thick jumpers, leggings, thick trackies, woolen socks and Ugg boots also gloves and ear-muffs. I was still cold. I went in to see my old boss and she said:

"Oh, have you put on weight?"

Me: *:O* "Nah, I am just wearing loads of clothing and I stopped short of wearing thermal underwear." Which, might I add, was true. That night I didn't go out for my normal nightly jog at 5pm to keep up my fitness and make me stay nice and warm because it was too cold and my mother said I might catch a cold. News - I have a cold anyway. So as I write this I am wiping a snotty nose, wearing much the same clothes as I did yesterday, rugging up in 2 thick doonas in a heated room, sipping a hot chocolate and eating Tim Tams (an Australian delacisy). I am wondering what I can do to get out of this cold and back into the warm weather without having to leave my humble abode or escape my doonas which have been ever so kind to me these past few days. Any suggestions? Please let me know in the comments belowww. Meanwhile I will continue to freeze in this cold cold place they call a town and await your cmments. Have a cool day! I know I will be.

                                                                                                                                   Maddy x